4proved For Release 2001/03/07 : C IA-RDP96-00789 ROO 0120000,2-2 @@."CRLET /NOFORN 1%.OJEC"T SUN STREAK WARNING 140TICE: INTELLIGENCE ZOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 5179 SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF SE171T ON: 28 SEPT 88 DATE OF REPORT: 29 SEPT 88 a @.l - START: 1400 END: 1500 METHODOLOGY: WRV VIEWER IDENTIFICATION: 025 ----------------------------------------------------------------- I@ r-I -T1 I N@ ACCESS AND DESCRIBE EMPEROR HIROHITO. lwy I 17--y TER T AS NG: IT /t`T@% 17 T TO ACCESS AND DESCRIBE THE T N T11E FOLDER. T COMMENTS,: IT TOOK QUITE AWHILE FOR THE VIEWER TO I T T S /.i L.INE HOWEVER, ONCE TH.L WAS ACCOMPLISHED THE VIEWER -0VT A.DED VERY GOOD INFORMATION. VIEWER WAS ABLE REPORT THAT IT', I T i,@ IDUAL AS INVOLVED IN A WAR AND THAT THE U.S. WAS V "Ji'li WHE 11 THE VIEWER WAS TRYING TO REPORT HIS TITLE, R. N A N WERE RREPORTED TO THE MONITOR. A I.- L.-" --NDED UIP 15-ZEPORTING THE INDIVIDUAL AS A PRIEMIER. T A ADLE" TO REPORT TEFE NAME OF ERIN AND IN THE T :@'==JAUE.-Z IS MENT-LONED. BECAUSE IT TOOK - I -- T 'I' @-14P-y - DECIDED THAT MORE INFORMATION @L WA..;, I T A -.J 1,1 "tNOTIER 'E-S'ON. @U,a 4. ZVATJ A T I ON: VIA CHANNZLE ONLY .3"011.11 ED BY. D TA (DT) OADR Approved For Release 2001/03/07 C IA-RDP96-00789 ROO 1401200002-2 A Aliproved For Release 2001103107 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1401200002-2 5179 880928 025 S: 01 SECRET SLOUMMARY WORKILl'i-G; PAPER -H711" T t- iNDIVIDUAT 1- A MAN. 117 -IZRY AND OLD. HE WILL BE -TIZ T REPLACED. H 1 S T I T L 1: 111A@,' J-1"7R- IT P E R I U M OR U R I P E -- - Q q( ITFUT WT M. THIS MAN LIVEZ- IN A BEAUIk HOME A.TH A GOOD VIEW. THE @;OC T COLOR '17EI-LOW '.S- A-- ..CAITED WITI-11 7.71-IIS MAN. HIS COUNTRY IS ONE LIKE 7.71-14E' 07 WMp T C I .i i " r) I t@ " @ OV1 Q.L. - - " A COUNTRY. IHIS MAN WAS 'r%VO"JED IN A WAR WITH THE U.S. T N THE U.S. WON THE WA-@. THERE WA- A r,- I-L RARE OCC'URIZENCE BECAUSE THERE WAS AN INCURZION 01-R. E 1, P, " I IT C - I 1 4 T 0TIHE 'T. - . ti -` - GE"MANY WAS INVOLVED IN THE i WAR. 'I A Y 3-"'- WTI T -r "OMETTj MAN IS All i='R. -ING A3OUT THE EYES. THIS MAN 1S A PREMIER--. S Approved For Release 2001103/07 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1401200002-2 F4R63 =Ilexpatd Men s e 2 UI-9 b.;ty[?0j%VfM V 14V 1 A ould not visit okinall'a, where I had III, fY to Perform." - Emperor 11iro A U ' ho, New Year waka), 1988. OrtY-tw0 Years after the god > died, the man is dying, too. The IA Of Eniperor Hiro '?L:@ L-7 IlitO Of Japan, the last sur- iving national leader of World War I and a "living god" for the first 20 cars of his reign, is drawing to an nd, and the Japanese are going to ct a new style of emperor, j Hirobito is 87, and has been in low decline since 'ej he had surgery )r an intestinal obstruction a year go (and had to cancel a sche -duled ' P to Okinawa). He was once @inkcd right along, side Hitler and Tussolini in Allied warpropaganda, ut in his later years it was difficult , envisage the shy emperor whose Al tain enthusiasm was marine biol- ,Y as a factor Of any great impor- tncem the world. It is qually difficult to imagine own Prince Akihito as a mover and, -known public, taker: His best Uevement in 54 years of life has .en to contribute a r ,ection about,.- ,bies to a book on fish. Yet the n a ge of reign will have a profound 7 , c c ton tile collective emotional life the Japanese. . There is no Japanese under 60 'M .N lo can remember, 9 1 IM c when Hi: ito was not tirl tile throne: He ns the cOu-11`1 entire modem try. When lit. Vlllllv@o the throne 1926, Japan @yjj,; Ill c poverty- icken but iolt,41% determined Ict-developni of whose abitanis Mjjlj@jt,l 11111ing 0 ce n te that thtT @%VIV "not natives, not quitt, ftijl,ij@% I ilhur." knd young i)AS literally od to nit)hl jAIM"I NCY When an brtunate P0hVC 111,411 misdirected imperial IMAM clitle down an al- he disemboA-0,@jI Ittilliself in pen- e for his error. The emperor was incarnation of the Japanese peo- with absolute bUtbority, and no nary mortal could look at him, IIC@e is still # g, vat deal of dis- about him tom. 11 1 lirohito per- --- -- Illy exCIVII& 1 1031- itillhority, or it to 0111cl jw,plf. Ili the Years ing up It' WmM Wnr Emperor Hi'rohito 11, but 15 after aiw(tttitj@o 11jr. throne he Y N 's ;ided ovet fi 101titi'l- tinpire con- only over a defeated tion, he wa n fic appearances and hungry pop- s 0 longer the god-kijig@of 1, I)alc ing half Ill ulation huddled in but only,,a symb I Of vc its ruined cities. the stale and of[he Imperial ji,lvo. earm Id t' i liall I 2 lie presided Y (two of them devastatedthe unity of the ne by atomic, oni "ass e. A.- AMM uc as b consciousm-h 114 as 1, )()we) seen of tile cen _ - . , @ - , l i . i d hi em f eror in i e succee in i fo b r de l T m u ntl r queror c l t ynne. Dye AV 0 columnistre p le to renounce g 111, s requ o cont o li wo t;3 -d in London, It'itgItItId.big godhood. In the ade8 usua ly onI a cOuPle.Ofdonal past. 1947 constitu Pull- CPYRGHT Approved For Releasci.2001103107 C IA-RD,P96-00789 ROO 1401200002 -21