Approved For Release 20SE rvo- U- 196-00789ROO3000020010-6 IAGPA-F-SD 14 May 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Trip Report, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 11 May 1984 (U) SG1 I 1 (S/CL-I/NOFORN SG1 I met with 84. LTC Buzbv and Mr. Atwater McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company (MDAC) Huntington Beach, California. The purpose of the meeting was to initiate discussions with MDAC in compliance with directives to seek out additional/alternate contractors to SRI- International (Incl 1). MDAC had been recommended by CIA and DIA personnel familiar with CENTER LANE. SG1 1 2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) executed the required security indoctrination rie ing statements and were provided a CENTER LANE Level 3 briefing. Discussions concerned MDAC's development and implementation of a set of operant profiling strategies designed to determine the psychoenergetic capabilities of a selected individual. By agreement MDAC will provide information on their psychoenergetic development capability in June 1984. SG1 1 3. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) biographies attached hereto (Incl 2 & 3), are professional, highly competent iIitiffER LANEWARNING NOTICE! SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO THOSE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS T!-GORY - 3103: RBUASUkZ TO FORSIO NATIONALS Approved For Release 20FCrt CIA.Rf96-00789ROO3000020010-6 0 RE A@prove'd For Release 2GE/G7 RrmTP96-00789ROO3000020010-6 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD 14 May 1984 SUBJECT: Trip Report, McDonnel Douglas Astronautics Co. (llMay84) and capable of providing CENTER LANE with much needed contractual support and academic insight. Their knowledge, coupled with the resources of MDAC will enable CENTER LANE to begin its recently expanded mission. SG1 I SG1 1 4. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) ed the required security incoctrination brierin statements and were also given SG11 a CENTER LANE briefing. handles classified contracts for MDAC and would be involved should a contractual relationship develop. 3 Incl as CF: LTC Fox, DAMI-ISH, ACSI FREDERICK H. ATWATER CPT, MI OPS/TNG Officer Approved For Release 200 MLU--00789ROO3000020010-6 SEDRET