A6Droved 0@. 30 March 1989 For Release 2001/03@@4` !WP96-00789RO0350017@0@3-4 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-6111 S520,006/DT-S89 MEMORANDUM FOR CHIEF SCIENTIST DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report - 8907 (U) building reflected in a copy of overhead photography. 1. (S/NF/SK) During the period of 16 February 1989 to 15 March 1989 inclusively, eighteen sessions were conducted to determine the nature and extent of an activity occurring in a target 2. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 079 perceived the structure as a "big, tall, elongated building with w4indows .... some sort of plant." The target structure is located near water and is involved in a secret developmental activity dealing with the production of a fast, Soviet-designed submarine. The availability of advanced "micro-chips" in the field of computer technology allows for the realization of such key advancements. Actual construction of the submarine has not yet started. (Tt/NYF/SK) the key Oevelopmen al, tiv \According,,to Viewer OJ5, with the "enely target bu i'l ding", is to "rebuild, m r onstruct.. f om plans @Lnd blueprint 's." An obi ct associated con wi h this deve 10 pmental ac'tivity resem'bles a missile. "The ih mis ile is relate.d to a catapult and a'launch-type circular area is loca ed on an object perceived and described as a submarine. oca \ Ice nd cold" (weather) conditions are associated wi "th Lhis targe@\r tal activity deals with t., The main thrust of the developmen a missile being accommodated by a submarine. The concepts of "water-sealants and graphite" play a role in the developmental activity. 4. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 011 perceived a developmental activity as the manufacture and modification of a "vehicle associated with water." 011 described a continuing "overpowering" perception of a submarine (See TAB A) with a slightly smooth-rough surface of anodized aluminum, mainly black in color. While perceiving the modifications being undertaken, 011 perceived "design- WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE METHODS AND SOURCES INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 200l/OueriQo4RvP96-00789ROO3500170002-4 V UIIM7@@ Approved For Release 2001/ulp.LtljilALx-rL)r-u6-00789ROO3500170002-4 modifications that would change the shape of the vehicle to decrease drag and minimize radar reflection. Coil-like devices emitting elect,ro-magnetic energy were present to disrupt and disperse energies from outside sourd6s. 'The drawback to this apparatus is that it causes disruptions in navigational and communications activities. The third and last modification perceived by 011, consisted of a coating bonded to the surface of the vehicle and needed to absorb and dissipate energy directed at the vehicle. The material is grey-black in color and consists of crystalline, metallic-type particles as found in a type of metal- flake paint. 5. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer G03 perceived the interior of the target structure as a long spacious area that can readily be subdivided into manageable sections by moveable partitions. Several large and small rooms can be found in the target structure. Shiny metal, colored wires, bright lights and access ramps were present. The activity of interest deals with technical research and development on an object described as rounded, curving, smooth, pliant, and initially reminiscent of a large propane tank. There is a military connotation attached to the target structure. Target activities included the concepts of "fitting, assembly, fabrication, emplacement, and reverse engineering." A device resembling an electric meter regulates volatile corrosive fluids" such as benzine, hydroxine or hydrogen peroxide - material used in a fuel cell. The developmental activity dealt with pitch, roll, and yaw of a grey object that is stubby, drum-shaped with one end dished and the other slightly bowed. The notion of diagrams and blueprints are associated with the activity and the object. The material associated with the object is black, grey, smooth, rigid-yet-flexible, similar to "kevlar," a composite laminate of carbon-based material. This newly developed material has fewer seams and it can be extruded in larger forms. In his last session, Viewer 003 refined the perceived object of interest as being dark, rounded, long, smooth, hard, complex and tapered. "The environment in which it is used does not involve land. Viewer 003 felt the developmental activity would be completed in about-two years from date. 6. (S/NF/SK) There appears to be a general consensus among the viewers that the developmental activity of interest with the enhancement of Soviet submarine capabilities. There is a divergence of opinion on what this developmental activity is and its specific application. SG1J 1 ENCLOSURE Chief, DT-S -nrnnrT Approved For Release 2001/0,WLAX-liL)P96-00789ROO3500170002-4 Aliproved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500170002-4 for P60"D' 90AID Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3500170'12-4