Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3900540002-9 THE SUN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18,1993 9 VOLUME 312, NUMBER 105 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND HOME DELIVERY: 25t Ryphen-sized creature found to be.,bi Llgost germ to'see single-celled giant'.traordifiary dimensions, the 3y Natae Angler ew york Times News Service orga: Naked eye able On-i g6nesbore all the earmarks of the Flouting the scientific canon that eth of an inch in length and possess- 11 bacteria are m1croscopiF,jc,-,,,,-,1,ing a volume a million times that of -earclleri gave discovered X-Atraid - the common E. coli microbe, the ..., ge,that 13-6,secn with the newly discovered bacterium seems to ,Djiu iaked eye. defy laws of biology that limit how The single-celled. organism, big a simple bacterial cell can grow. .lucked from the bowels of an Aus- So outsized is the creature that ralian fish, Is about the size of a researchers may soon be able to use .-yphen in a newspaper, making It It to begin exploring the'intimate de far the lar&st bacterium ever de- tails of bacterial innards, a task Im neted, possible with the tinter species of mi In measuring more than one-fifti- crobes. a bacterium. The report gia "It's so huge that bacterium, called we could stick Epulopisclum fis electrodes Into it,"'elsoni,,appears said Esther R. An-.-today In the Britt 'ert of Indiana Universityjournal Nature. in Bloom-, "I think It's Incredibly "T excitij ington. here's a world of cell physt- ology that could % and, Ws an extremely be done with this- convincing p thing." .Per,"-said Dr. James R. Lupski The researcher, who Baylor College of Is flnlshlng@ Medicine in Hou her doctorate in ton, who has long the laboratory of studied bacter Dr.' Norman Pace, performedgenetics. 'The old the-.txpeti- way of defintri, ments that demonstratedbacterium was to the'bacte- look under a n dal nature of the beast. See BACTERIA, 15A. She showed that despiteCol. %s ex- Hyphen-sized blob found. to be world's bi*L59est grienn (Zxm@p Naked eye able to see creature BACTERIA, from I A croscope, see what size it was and whether It stained one way or anoth- er. Now we're redefining life forms based on what kind of DNA they have." Commanding though the bacteri- um is., It may not be the world's larg- est. Realizing that bacteria have the ability to grow beyond boundaries previously set for them. scientists may well find other examples of sin- gle-cclled beings with macroscopic aspirations. "This type of study points to how little we know about microbial diver- sIty," Ms. Angert said. "Here's this huge organism that seems to be a significant part of a fish's Intestines, and It's just recently been discov- ered. Who can say what else Is out there waiting to be found?" Scientists have long believed that ApprovedTh,00-aps 4940- 2K%Wfitne@s cellular organization for swift move --tn(nivtr1ent.qnndnxvVe.n inside them, must rely on slow diffusion to wrest what they need from their sur- roundtngs. So they must remain very tiny to allow essential molecules to drift from one part of the cell to an- other. By comparison, the cells of higher organisms, such as yeast, algae. in- sects and humans, are eukaryotes and have small internal structures to ferry molecules about. Pulverizing the genetic material from the bacteria, th6 researchers multiplied the DNA into millions of copies through the use of a technique called polymerase chain reaction. They next compared the genes with those from many other known prokaryotes and eukaryotes and demonstrated that E. fishclsoni is a true bacterium. Indeed, when the organism was discovered in 1985 by Israeli re- searchers who found It In the Intes- tinal tract of common brown sur- geonfish living in the Red Sea, they thought It must be an alga. protozo- an or other eukaryote. More recently, Kendall D. Clem- ents of James Cook University in C 99 6V A%'Ab UWAHA0540002-9 caught around the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.