Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP9"Z9s?R0007Q0-t3000M 0278-6060/82/0403-0227 $06.5010 (D Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., 1982 Printed in the United Kingdom Psychophysiological Correlates of Communication, Gravitation and Unity The Syntergic Theory J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM Profesor e Investigador de Tiernpo Completo. Facultad de Psicologta, Unive@siog Nacional Aut6noma de Wxico e Instituto Nacional Para el Estudio de la Conciencia- The syntergic theory postulates that the brain creates an energetic field (the neuronal field) that expands into space, interacts "vith the space-matter continuum, is able to change the informational content of the latte@ and thus affects other neuronal fields and physical forces. According to this theory, gravitation is a by-product of an alteration in the inform- ational content of the space-matter continuum, and human communication is based on newonal field interactions. It is proposed that a brain operating in a highly coherent mode and in an abstract fashion (high neurosyntergic brain) creates a neuronal field that would decrease the gravitational forces around it. By the same token, a brain functioning in a relatively noncoherent mode and in a concrete fashion (low neurosyntergic brain) creates a neurorial field that could shift the informational content of the surrounding space toward that modality. In the syntergic theory, experience is considered as the interaction between the neuronal field and the energetic (syntergic) organization of space. A high neurosynter4ic brain will experience unity, while a low neurosyntergic brain will experience reality from.the vantage point of a personal ego. A high neurosyntergic brain would increase the syntergy of space and thus could affect the experience resulting from the interaction of other neuronal fields with that altered space. This approach is the one that contemporary physics requires in 'order to be able to incorporate experience into its realm and thus expand its limits to include life and con- sciousness, I suggest that this step will allow physics to find the elusive unified field. A number of experiments have been designed in order to tests these ideas; the results of some of them are here reported. 1. THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION A few months before his death, Zen master Shunryu Suzuki said: ... Nothing comes from outside your mind. Usually we think of our mind as receiving impressions and experience from outside, but that is not a true understanding of our mind. The true understanding is that the mind includes everything; when you think something 227 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0700130002-5 (D > 0- CL CL 228 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM comes from outside, it means only that something appears in your mind. Nothing outside yourself can cause any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind. If you leave your mind as it is, it will become calm. This mind is called 'big mind'. If your mind is related to something outside itself, that mind is a small mind, a limited mind. If your mind is not related to anything else, then there is no dualistic understanding in the activity of your mind. You understand activity as just waves of your mind. Big mind experiences everything within itself. Do you understand the difference between the two minds; the mind which includes everything, and the mind which is related to something? Actually they are the same thing, but the understanding is different, and your attitude towards your life will be different according to which understanding you have. That everything is included within Your mind is the essence of mind. To experience this is to have religious feeling. Even though waves arise, the essence of your mind is pure@ I it is just like clear water with a few waves. Actually water always has waves. Waves are the practice of water. To speak of waves apart from water or water apart from waves is a delusion. Water and waves are one. Big mind and small mind are one- When you widerstand your mind in this way, you have some security in your feeling. As your mind does not expect anything from outside, it is always filled. A mind with waves in it is not a disturbed mind, but actually an amplified one. Whatever your experience is an expression of big mind. (Suzuki, 1977) Can we postulate some physiological correlative of Suzuki's big mind? The existence of a unified big mind, implies that space as a concept and as a physical reality is no more than an illusion. If this is true, then also, the concept of distance must be abandoned. Equally true, the existence of a unique mind, if accepted, makes cumbersome the reality of individual minds and isolated brain structures. Since science is so cautious in its acceptance of new hypotheses, postulates and theories, to incorporate within its structure the idea of a unique mind, it would be necessary to prove that: i) Brain activity exists outside the skull. ii) This extra-skull activity establishes a functional connection between different brains and unites them. iii) Space is a component in our brain's perceptual construction of reality. iv) A fundamental energetic matrix exists behind every material object and physical manifestation. v) The feeling of individuality can be transcended to gain access to the perception of unity. Let us examine each one of the aforesaid postulates, in order to discuss their validity. 1.1 Brain activity exists outside the skull It is obvious that the existence of extra-skull brain activity is a basic condition for all subsequent discussions about the unique mind. Without extra-skull activity, COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 22 the hypothesis about the existence of a unique big mind is unacceptable. There are at least two pieces of evidence that support point 1.1. First, th human magnetoencephalogram (Reite, Zimmerman, Edrich and ZimrRrman 1976). Second, the recent discovery of a relationship between gra vigiona changes and brain activity (see section 5 below). Q Q oth the magnetoencephalogrant and the gravitational effect sh B am thw there must be some kind of a field emanating from the human skull and agpctinj the surrounding space (see section 5 below), Q It has been postulated (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1981a, b) that as a It oi rou all the neuronal interactions in 50 milliseconds of brain activity (the c9ation of the present interv, , see Torres and Canseco, 1980), a synergic_fi4W (the neuronal field) is creatt inside the brain microstructure, and la 0 __.Jef@ n %ands into the surrounding space. Q In relation to the aforesaid micro -structure, K.H. Pribram writes: Q The aggregate of slow potentials proent over an extended location at any mome an be described as a state which has a mi,cro-structure. The arrival of impulses at ep tic or synaptic junctions is never a solitary event. Axonal terminations are usualuly mul e, i.e. axons branch at their ends. As many as 1000 synapses may characterize the j tional possibilities between a pair of neurons. Dendrites are tre-like almost by definit@*, dis- playing many fine flibered branches which crisscross, making multiple cont t ong neurons, contacts which for some cells (eg. the amacrine of the retina) include st ctured synapses. Thus ephaptic and synaptic events, those that are composed at the J ' `ctions between neurons, form a pattern. Inferences about the nature of such a patter n be made from the known fine structure of the brain and the electrical activity recor from it. Several such inferences suggest that these patterns make up wave fr ... (Pribram, 1977). These wave fronts must be three-dimensional and in some cases must Q olve 9 large portions of the brain, The neuronal field emerges as a result of the&lobal activation of the brain microstructure of which the above mentionedWwave fronts are only part, Furthermore, in the experiment about the relationship between brain a-(Divity and gravitational forces mentioned before, it was found that a non-lom and global change in inter-hemispheric coherence ('coherence' is defined as ailrain state in which similar EEG patterns and similar evoked potentials are reyerded simultaneously in both hemispheres) correlated with gravitational chan i9s. A detailed description of this experiment will be presented in section 5. > A global change in brain activity is probably more related to a synergi2field emergence than a local EEG alteration. CL CL A theoretical construction (the syntergic theory, Grinberg-ZylbeA*um, 1979, 1980a, 1981a, b) dealing with the neuronal field will be discussed later on in this article. (D 0 L_ CL CL < 230 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM 1.2 This extra-skull activity establishes a functional connection between different brains and unites them To accept this postulate, it is first necessary to prove that a real and direct intercourse between brains exists without the use of known sensory interactions. Evidence that during human communication direct ndnsensorial interchanges of significant messages occur, has been obtained (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, Cueli and Szydlo, 1978) and it will be discussed and extended in the experimental ec section of the present paper. Here, it is enough to say that the aforesaid dir @ t communication occurred whenever a high correlation between individual inter- hemispheric coherences appeared in the brains of the subject during the communication sessions. The fact that both direct communication and gravitational changes occur in direct correlation with the brain modifications in inter-hernispheric coherence supports the idea about the existence of the neuronal field and its physiological role as a device to unite the activity of individual brains. The postulated connection between different brains through their neuronal fields must involve some medium or matrix in which the interaction between neuronal fields could happen. One possibility in regard to this hypothetical medium is the quantum field described by contemporary physics (Capra, 1976). This last hypothesis will be discussed in 1.4 below. 1.3 Space is a component in our brain's perceptual construction of reality In the interaction between our retinal receptors and the energetic information contained in the space of the interaction, a transformation of the quantum field matrix occurs. In this transformation, the information contained in the quantum field is transferred first to local, analogical microchanges in membrane potentials and later on into propagated, digital action or spike potentials in the axons of the optic nerve. Perceptual reality as we know it is neither the reality of the quantum field, nor the neuroelectric reality of our brain activity. Further energetic transformation must be postulated in order to explain our perceptual experience. When the propagated information carried through the digital messages in the optic nerve reaches deeper structures in our brain, at least two families of further energetic transformations occur. First, convergence -divergence networks concentrate digitalized messages in "neuro-algorithms" (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1976a, b; 1981a). These neuro-algorithms unify disperse activity in logical neuronal patterns (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1976b). The neuro -algorithmic processes are the basis of concept formation, imagination and meaning (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1980a). If an energy system located in the quantum field is capable of being neuro- COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 23. algorithmized by the brain, it will be perceived as a concrete object. If an energ@ system is so complex as to exceed the neuroalgorithmic capacity of the brain this organization will not be perceived at all or it will be seen as a blurm con- figuration. This last is the case for space. In reality, space is so complex QJd ful. of information that our brain is only capable of decodifying the little p1son oj it transecting our retinal receptors. If we could decodify and perceivecsimult aneously all the portions of space, we could see a solid. Thus space as tra M arew and space as an empty and dividing entity is a delusion. Q [*- Second, besides the neuroalgorithmic processes, wave fronts (Pribr 1977@ appear as slow potentials in the dendritic microstructure of the brai f the neuroalgorithmic logic has as its function the management of a digita 1mverse. the wave fronts activation deals with the analogical universe iuslK old Drain. Both unify disperse activity but serve different functions. The neuro alg(p;thmic logic deals with linear problem solving processes, while the wave front aczKrity is the basis of both the neuronal field and our perceptual experience. (D Furthermore, an interaction %\etween the neuroalgorithmic activationlLnd the wave front excitation can be conceived as a means to modulate eAmmely complex patterns of energy. These patterns must be incorporated 1%o the morphological three-dimensional structure of the neuronal field. < A good example of patterns developed through complex interactionore the Cymatics patterns (Jenny, 1973). In them, extremely complex forins of tzrtterns are activated when a vibrating field (i.e. a sound) interacts with a meta;S plate on which fine licopodium powder has been deposited. These Cyrnatic -0-otterns follow very interesting laws. For example, with an increase in the freqiZcy of the field, the complexity of the Cyrnatic pattern increases but a fuhd&ental form in it is maintained. Q According to the syntergic theory (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1978, 1979@980a, 198 1 a, b) a Cymatic-type interaction occurs between the neuronal field Vhd the quantum field. This interaction is the basis of our perceptual experienc(and of experience in general. Z Therefore, both the neuroalgorithmic and the neuronalquantum fie (79 inter- action processes, indicate that transparent space is only a particular leve&f our brain's perceptual construction of reality. Thus, a real medium of sewration between material objects, brains or energetic fields, does not exist > 0 1.4 A fun ilamental energetic matrix exists behind every material object Oki physica'l manifestation CL Specialists in the physics of elementary particles (Capra, 1976) have been claiming that the sudden appearance of particles from the seeming nothingness, as wen as the opposite, the disappearance of elementary particles in space as a result of interactions, poi nts towards the idea that a fundamental energetic matrix exists 232 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM behind the universe of known particles and objects. These scientists have called this matrix "the quantum field". They claim that when activated, this field Ul) changes in one or in several of its locations, changing some parameters (e.g. fre- C@ quency) of itself. This parametric change is detected as an elementary particle. CD Q Since these elementary particles are the basis of every material manifestation, CD M every object, brain, body, etc, is a particular or specific manifestation of the IT- same field. CD CD I- CD 1.5 The feeling of individuality can be transcended to gain access to the CD CD perception of unity w C*4 All the great mystics in human history have claimed that the perception of unity is not only possible, but that it is the most natural and truly human CD feeling (Vivekananda, 1963, 1975; Cooke, 1970; Khan, 1978). Furthermore, CD their description of the state of unity does not involve losing the feeling of the self but expanding it (Santa Teresa, 1578, 1976) into everything (Suzuki, 1977). In other wo 'rds, individuality is not lost during the perception of unity, but is truly transcended. If the perception of unity exists and the state of unity is real, then there must be reliable neurolyhysiological techniques that could be 0 used to activate both, the perception and the state of unity. Furthermore, a neurophysiological explanation of the state of unity and its perception must exist. CD In the following and last section of this theoretical introduction, answers CO CD to these two questions will be sought. CD CD 04 2. A TECHNIQUE TO STIMULATE THE STATE OF UNITY (D U) For many years, our laboratory has been searching for reliable neurophysiological 77D techniques to stimulate the perception and the state of unity (Grinberg- Zylberbaum and Riefkohl, 1980). We tried several modalities of the EEG bio feedback technique (e.g. alpha with closed eyes, alpha with open eyes, theta 0 LL with closed eyes and theta with open eyes) without success. Then we decided to use a very sophisticated evoked potential biofeedback technique (Grinberg Zylberbaum, 1980a) in which a subject could actually see his own evoked > 0 potential components in order to relate his subjective experience to them. The L_ a- results were fascinating and will be published elsewhere (Grinberg-Zylberbaurn CL and Ornelas, 1980). Here, it is enough to say that very well trained subjects are able to correlate their subjective experience with even the low latency primary components of the visual evoked potentials as if their, focal attention could be localized in the beginning of the brain decodification of incoming signals. Fascinating as it was, the technique failed to stimulate unity. COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 23 Then, we decided to present to our subjects 200 msecs. samples of their EE( spontaneous activity recorded from four different bipolar derivation@an thei skull. Two derivations from the anterior and posterior locations of Ae righ hemisphere, and the other two from homologous places on the left herrighere. A scale was constructed that allowed us to quantify the similitude&tweei M pairs of EEG patterns. Thus we were able to measure the degree of: T_ Q i) Anterior inter-hemispheric coherence. CD ii) Posterior inter-hemispheric coherence. CD CD iii) Right intra-hemispheric coherence, CD w iv) Left intra-hemispheric coherence. C*4 The task of the trained subjects was to correlate their subjjectliv'e exarience with the degrees of these coherences. CD I 90 The detailed results and methods are to be published in a separai&paper. The important result for us here is that this technique can be used to AlLinulate the state and the perception oP,.unity. In a sample of five trained subjQ in 50 sessions, all of them reported that when the similitude between tHel above cohererim was very high, they felt a sense of unification in themseSs and in relation to others. They also reported a feeling of peace and undergilding about the "delusive subject-object dichotomy" (Grinberg-ZylberbajjL@ and Riefkohl, 1980). CD In other words, a high and simultaneous inter- and intrahemisphefg level of coherence (a high global coherence), correlated with the perceptImn and the state of unity in our subjects. CD Thus, the state and the perception of unity can be stimulated and amed. In this last regard, it should be said that, in order to reach the levels of cobtrence which correlated with the state of unity, our subjects had to train thesselves very hard and for a long time (at least several months) in this spontaneQs EEG (D coherence biofeedback technique. We also learned that the spontaneous EEG coherence biofeedback te%,7..nique does not work by itself; it is rather only a tool that can stimulate the te of E unity. The real process that helps to reach the state of unity takes pl;& at a much deeper level. Our biofeedback technique only activates this procus and helps to detect very subtle subjective and hidden information. > 0 Nevertheless, it is clear that when the aforesaid internal process re@rhes a F.L level allowing the subject to perceive himself as lacking separation frorrmvery- thing else, a high global brain coherence appears. < We were delighted but not surprised by these findings. They corresponded well with our gravitati-onall and communication studies results and were almost predictable from them. 234 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 235 3. A NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL THEORY OF UNITY. THE SYNTERGIC THEORY LO C4 When the informational organization of space is analyzed, the direct relafionship between convergence and redundance of light information stands out as a remarkable fact (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 198 1 b). I begin this section with this statement, because the relationship between convergence and redundance is seminal in itself and basic for an understanding t- of the syntergic theory and our neurophysiological approach to unity. In the syntergic theory, space is conceived as a matrix capable of concentrating inform ation in each of its points or locations (Grin b erg-Zylb erb aum, 1981 a). A high syntergic space is a region of space in which each location concentrates more information than a low syntergic. space. A high syntergic space is a space located far away from any material object. A good example of this space is some location C1 C1 in extraterrestrial space far away from any star. In this space an astronaut would be able to see wide regions of the Universe through a small hole made in a piece a- of paper. What the eye of this hypothetical astronaut sees is the space of the hole. In this small region of space, far away from any star, large amounts of information will be concentrated. The same observer, now located on the surface of the Earth and using the same hole, would see only a limited portion of the planet. Thus, near an object, space concentrates less information about it than it does when far away. Obviously, C@ the relationship between concentration of information and distance is relative and depends upon other things such as directionality. Thus, an observer on the CD surface of a planet is able to receive large amounts of inforination in the direction T_ C@ of the sky and (from the same spot) less information if he directs his gaze C@ C14 towards the surface of the planet, This means that, in a specific location of (D space, there is a coexistence of high and low syntergic organizations of inform ation. The interaction of an observer with a particular region of the syntergic (D spectrum depends on the aforesaid direction of gaze and (as we shall see later) 7& on the level of consciousness of the observer. Now let us consider the relationship between concentration of information 0 and redundance of information. A high syntergic space, in addition to concen- LL trating large amounts of information in each one of its locations, is more (D redundant than a low syntergic space. An observer located on the surfaace of the > earth and seeing the moon while he travels has the impression that the moon 0 follows his movements. At this distance between the earth and its satellite, the photonie-visual information that the moon reflects is highly redundant; thus, < each location of the space from which the observer gazes contains almost identical information. Because what the observer perceives is the space that activates his retinal receptors and this space contains ah-nost the same information in each one of its locations, the observer sees a moon that follows his movements. Thus, a direct relationship between redundance and concentration of inforation exists in space in general and in a high syntergic space in particular. The owsite is also true. If instead of gazing towards the moon, the observer dir In his retinal receptors toward the road on which he is travelling, he will see a 15rred image. At the small distance between the observer and the road, the concent2tion of information in each location of space that activates the retina of the oGrver is relatively small. Consequently, information there is distributed in ?low redundance fashion. Each location of that space activates the retina ap the observer with different information. In the duration of the perceptual pasent (50 msec. is the time necessary to build a visual image) of the observdiL- the C%1 resulting image will be a blurred one. .,.-01) The relationship between redundance and amount of informatf&n iit:@igh and low syntergic spaces solves the (until now) puzzling problem of the "re%Rtive movement phenomenon" in the psychology of perception. Q0 0) A convergence network of information can be conceived as a fundanwtal feature of the informational organIzation of space. In this regard, the convelce organization of space and of the'brain are similar (see Grinberg. m 1981a), and the concept of neUToalgorithms could Correlate with a Alar algorithmic organization of information in space. Thus, a direct relatioQup between convergence and redundance of information exists in space and pro@,ably also in the brain. .0 Some of the brain convergence operations were analyzed by A.R. Luria (lg3) in his studies about the synthetic functions of the cortex. Luria stated thzT4he synthetic operations related to the language process are represented in, colocal networks and locations with more convergence power than the locations _retaed to neuropsychological operations with a lesser degree of complexity. Even more, according to clinical observations (Luria, 1973), when a high synthetic loca*n of the cortex is damaged, its effect upon the neuropsychological operatfuns is more complex and extended than the effect caused by the damage of atLlss powerful synthetic region. This view is (remarkably) very similar to the one that the Kabalist age Rabbi Isaac Luria offered in his analysis of the Sephirot. Each of the Sepffifrot is a "sphere" located near or far away from the mystical Ein Sof infinite ce3&e of God. According to Luria the Kabalist, consciousness can be located in diffc.-@@t spheres. When it abides near the Ein Sof, it has more power to affect the otrwr 0. Sephirot than when it is located far away from the centre. Returning to Luria, the Russian neuropsychologist, the synthetic operati*s seem to be almost identical to the brain neurosyntergic operations and these last ones seem to be similar to the syntergic organization of space. A high syntergic space is a space that contains more information about itself in each one of its locations than a low syntergic space. Thus, a high syntergic space is more unified. The relationship between syntergy and redundance 236 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM points toward the same conclusion-, a high redundance space is a more unified space. A similar conclusion is reached in relation to the high neurosyntergic Lo mode of functioning which involves a higher capacity to concentrate inform- ation and thus an increase of the abstract function. By the same token, a high C@ Q neurosyntergic mode is a more unified mode. If a neuronal network could Q Q concentrate in a neuro algorithmic logic all the information about the brain, it M T_ could unify the brain. Possibly a similar mechanism is the physiological correlate Q of the self. Q I- Now, the aforesaid statements mean that different neurosyntergic levels of Q Q operation can coexist in the same human brain and in different brains, each one Q related to a distinctive capacity for unification. Furthermore, a unification W C*4 capacity is, undoubtedly, related to a specific level of abstract thought and also (D I- to a particular level of consciousness. Thus, the neurophysiological correlates Q of abstract thought and distinctive levels of consciousness are precisely the Q physiological mechanisms related to unification, These mechanisms are the (6 (D neurosyntergic ones. IL I am now ready to postulate a physiological explanation of the unified 0 mind, the Big Mind of Suzuki (1977). I postulate that a change in the neuiosyntergic level of operation of a particular brain evokes a corresponding alteration in the energetic characteristics of the neuronal. field created by that brain. Furthermore, I postulate that a r_-@ raising of the neurosyntergic functioning level of a human brain evokes an Q alteration in its neuronal field such as to cause its energetic characteristics to approach the ones observed in a high syntergic space. Thus, the possibility Q T_ of an interaction between a high syntergic space and a brain increases as a Q (D result of the raising of the level of that brain's neurosyntergic level of C*4 functioning. (D When a brain reaches its greatest level of neurosyntergic power, that brain U) becomes unified in itself. Simultaneously, its neuronal field interacts with the (D high syntergic spectra of space and hence with information concentrated from wide regions of the Universe. When experience is the interaction between the neuronal field and the syntergic energetic organization of space, the experience LL of the observer will be of a unified whole, 'a The physical characteristics of the interaction between neuronal fields and (D the syntergic energetic organization of space are comoletely unknown, We hope > 0 that the data that we have gathered in regard to the process of human commun- CL ication will help to develop understanding of this problem. CL Before the presentation of our data, let us summarize some of our basic theoretical concepts: i) Empty space is a delusion. What we call space is in reality an energetic matrix filled with information. We only see one point of this matrix each time COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 237 that we gaze at some object. If we could see all the locations of space simult- aneously, space would appear to us as a solid. Lo ii) A high syntergic space concentrates in each one of its locatiA vast 0. amounts of information in a highly redundant fashion. A similar organ&tion can be seen in a holographic plate (Caulfield and Lu Sun, 1970). The epieme of syntergy is a space in which each location contains information abS the rest of the Universe. This space would be the mythical Aleph of JorgJDLuis Borges (1970). Q iii) Our human brain creates a syntergic energetic field as a result of8I the neuronal interactions occurring in a finite interval of time (presuma this interval is the "duration of the perceptual present", measuring around 55,00 ec.). 1@@ iv) The brain field or neuronal field interacts with the syntergic"' an6tion org of space, the interaction being with the corresponding spectra of the syWgic continuum most similar with the energetic morphological characteristics& the neuronal field. IL v) The characteristics of th@ neuronal field mimic the changes 0 ring (9 inside the brain. A brain with a high capacity for abstract information d a great sense of internal unification, presumably is a brain with an ex ded f W wer capacity for neuroalgorithmic creation through the activation of high f9 " convergence circuits. This brain will create a neuronal field resembling la-high syntergic space, i.e. with greater internal coherence, redundance and concenetion of information. co Q vi) Experience is the interaction between the neuronal field., ane the syntergic organization of space (the quantum field). Q Q vii) When a neuronal field is capable of interacting with the high sy C*4 rgic rv portions of space, the resulting experience will be a holistic and unifieftne; W the observer will experience a state of unification with everything else jet e Universe. (D W viii) Thus, a unified Mind exists and can be experienced. Obviously, when the energetic characteristics of the neuronal field a 42 the quantum syntergic field become identical, the two fields become One (st6ctly speaking, they are always One). (D 'We decided to study the phenomenon of human communication becaus> on it a small model of the interaction between fields could be observed and so" of its manifestations recorded. We considered that when two or more hkan beings communicate between them, their neuronal fields interact. FurthernTore, we thought that when the communication reaches a level of empatic order in which feelings, thoughts, emotions and other psychological phenomena are shared without the use of verbalizations (we call "direct" this level of commun- ication), the similitude between the neuronal fields in interaction reaches an 238 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM identity and becomes One (once again strictly speaking they are always One). We hoped that some EEG measurements would manifest correlative changes Lo with the neuronal field interactions. C@ C@ 4. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS CO T_ 4.1 First experiment (method) This experiment was done with pairs of subjects during a semi-therapeutfe series C@ of sessions. In each session, a veteran psychoanalyst, with more than 20 years in the practice of psychoanalysis, sat with a patient in order to establish a C*4 direct empatic communication. Using the analyst's experience, we were able to construct a scale with which CD communication could be measured. This scale had ten divisions. When the a communication reached a direct level, the measurement was 10. When there was a complete absence of communication, the reading was 0. IL The sessions took place in a Gesell room or in a semisilent therapeutic room. A Sony video-tape recorder was used to record the movements and sounds of the pair of subjects during each session. The analyst (with the help of an assistant) viewed the tapes after the sessions and used the 10 point scale in order to con- struct a communication graph. Each 120 seconds a measurement was made. The criteria for each measurement were always the same and involved: T15ovements, words, respiration rate and body messages. Sometimes, the video-tapes were reviewed and blindly compared in order to retest the communication scale and measurements. The results of these test C@ C@ retest compatability checks were excellent. Only a 5 to 10 percent disagreement C14 was found. W Simultaneously with the video-tape observations, an EEG recording of at U) cc least four monopolar derivations of each subject was done during each session. (D 7@ At least six sessions were held with each subject; thus, when the study was finished, we had the complete outline of the 10-20 International EEG system of der'ivations, 0 The communication technique used by the analyst varied with each subject. LL Sometimes it began with verbalizations and movements (limited by the wiring of the EEG cables); sometimes it was w;+'---ut verbalizations. in either case, the > 0 measure of communication transcended the logical aspect of the messages and L_ 0- took account of the empatic ones, 0- The EEG recordings were made using a portable eight channel EEG Alvar machine, and were analyzed without the use of any electronic computer system. This visual analysis had to be done by a human being because of the lack of availability of any pattern recognition EEG analysis type of machine. Pairs of EEG derivations were compared for their morphological and frequency COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 23 similarities. The comparisons were made between one derivation a14, all th rest during one second in the same periods of the video-tape analysiw scal, was constructed in order to translate the morphological and frequelRy com parisons into numbers compatible with the communication ones. ThurMa scal, going from 0 to 100 was constructed; zero meaning complete lack of sfAilitudc and 100 complete identity between EEG patterns. In the description oFExperi C) ment 3 below, the details of this analysis and transformations are given. All the EEG analyses were done blindly with respect to the comm 19catior analysis. Thus, the communication analysis was done without k g the EEG analysis results and conversely, the EEG analysis was done without owing the communication analysis results. Furthermore, both analyses woir6 ()one by different experts. 0 Non-parametric correlation test and statistics were used. C.0 01) 4.2 First experiment (results) We asked three questions when we began experiment 1: i) Is there any correlation between the communication level lad the similarities in the EEG patterns of two brain derivations, one of the analyst and the other belonging to the patient? ii) Is there some relationship between the communication level f8d the coherence of the analyst brain or the coherence of the patient brain? iii) Is there any correlation between the coherence of the analys@'bi& and the patient brain? C4 The first question was answered by relating the communication level with the EEG patterns correlation recorded from both brains in hc sites. The second question was answered by relating the communicatioiLlevel variations with the changes in the analyst brain coherence and the t0tient brain coherence. The third question was answered by analysing the relationship betwe the patient's and analyst's brain coherences, > Of all the correlations, the following were the only ones above 0.3: OL i) First, a positive 0.58 value of correlation was found between the colficun- ication level and the values of coherence in the EEG patterns recorded from T5 derivation from the patient's and the analyst's brain. Figure 1 shows this result. It can be seen that both variables, the coherence between brains and the communication level are highly correlated. This result means that when the level of communication between the patient and the analyst increased, the similitude 240 EEG COMMUNICATION LEVEL CORRELATION 10 T J. GRINBERG-ZYLBE'RBAUM COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY COMMUNICATION LEVEL COHERENCE ioT 241 LO 1 C4 C4 ANALYSIS POINTS FIGURE 1 Shows the different values in the level of communication (solid line with crosses) and the values of the correlation found when the EEG activity in T5 zone of the C@ analyst was compared with the EEG activity in TS zone of the patient (solid line with CO circles). These results were obtained during a communication session in which seven points of analysis were made. The statistical analysis gave a positive 0.58 value Of Correlation between the levels of communication and the EEG. CD C@ 04 (1) between their left temporal brain derivation (T5) EEGs increased. We obtained U) the aforesaid result in one patient with whom the analyst had an especially good co CD and empatic relationship. We failed to detect the same result in other subjects. ii) Answering the second question, we found a negative 0.40 value of correlation between the analyst's C3 and C4 derivations EEG patterns coherence 0 and the communication levels, and a positive 0.34 value of correlation between LL the patient's EEG coherence recorded in the same C3 and C4 derivations and the CD communication levels. In Figures 2 and 3 these results are shown. Thus, we > 0 found that when the communication level increased the analyst's interhemispheric L_ CL C3-C4 EEG coherence diminished while the patient's interhemispheric C3-C4 EEG coherence increased. These results were found in a patient-analyst relationship in which the analyst sensed high levels of repressed aggression. We failed to detect the same result in other patients. iii) Finally, we found a negative 0.44 value of correlation between the 4 1- + 1, 1- -1 4 1 1,, 4 , " 5 . . . 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 2 4 0 ANALYSIS POINTS FIGURE 2 Shows the different values in the communication level (solid line and the values of the coherence between the EEG patterns recorded from C3 and C4 (jlmiv- ations in the analyst's brain (solid line with circles), These results were obtained dift a communication session in which 14 points of analysis were made. A negative 0.40 valuel4of correlation was obtained between these variables. Thus, when C3-C4 level of EEG coher0ce increased in the analyst's brain, the level of communication with his patient diminished, CO CD 7@ C3-C4 EEG patient and analyst coherences. This result means that a correlaton exists between two subjects' brain coherences while they are in communicatiW When we finished this experiment, we were convinced that some brain zoas show more relationship than others with the communication phenomenon. Al&, that two brains in communication manifest similar patterns of EEG activity. L_ Simultaneously with the aforesaid conclusions, experiment I left us W&t many doubts. First, we were unable to find the same results in the six pati@4s that we studied. Secondly, the C3-C4 EEG patterns and their coherence during the communication session were probably related to some subtle movement operation rather than with a more abstract function. Thirdly, our communication scale was unable to distinguish subtle changes in the 9 to 10 region. We decided to make a second experiment in order to clarify our doubts and 242 J. GRINBFRG-ZN'1_BI,1RBAUM COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 243 COMMUNICATION COHERENCE io T ANALYSIS POINTS FIGURE 3 Shows the different values of the communication level (solid line with crosses) and the values of the coherence between the EEG patterns recorded frorn C3 and C4 deriv- ations of the patient brain (solid line with circles). A positive 0.34 correlation was obtained between the variables. we reviewed our video tapes and EEG recordings in order to find if the subjects that were able to establish a 9 to 10 level of communication had similar EEG patterns. 0 LL We found that in the sessions in which the analyst reported more empatic feelings toward the patient, the frontal EEG derivations of both brains showed > a -maintained increase of similitude, while the same region during a low empatic 0 - session showed many variations in their pattern similitude. We were not able CL to control for eye movements. Thus we were not able to determine how much CL < they were involved in this last result. 4.3 Second experiment (method) In this experiment we were able to make more controls and we introduced a third person in the communication sessions. In this second experiment, we decided to concentrate our attention on the communication procedure. Thus, only made bipolar frontal recordings controlling for the eye movernia, of we UTrL C*4 our subjects. Q A detailed EEG analysis during human communication was postponG1 for Q the third experiment (see below). M The aforesaid decision was taken because of the lack of the uniforr& of the results obtained in experiment 1. We thought that the absenc=Df a standardized communication procedure avoided the attainment of um"Torm results. Thus, in experiment 2 we developed a controlled technique for stoying direct communication. The procedure was the following: w .,-' C*4 i) For several months, three subjects were trained in the voluntary'actffhtion of a feeling of pressure localized exactly in between the eyebro-w-s. This aleling can be activated if during a meditation session the subject is instruc9d to . to . concentrate his attention in the space between the eyebrows. This t(Nning procedure was used until our th e subjects were able to activate and de vate the aforesaid mild pressure feeling. Simultaneously with this trainid= the subjects also learnt to maintain a fixed eye position, thus dirninishiq eye movements to a minimum. ii) The subjects were trained to press a button connected to a circuit sighalling the instant in which the pressure between the eyebrows appearet6 iii) The subjects sat inside a Faraday cage with the eyes closed and iiaemi- darkness. Each time that they felt the pressure activated, they sent a sige (by pressing the button) to an adjacent room in which a bipolar recording (gtheir frontal EEG activity was taking place. Q C*4 (1) U) 4.4 Second experiment (results) A total of 20 sessions were made with the original three subject grotm and later on, 10 more sessions were done with another three subject grouAMus a t I L_ otal of six subjects were studied in 30 sessions. In all these sessions except the first two with the original group of siziects and the first one with the second group, a most remarkable result was obroined; when one of the subjects felt the pressure activation, at least one of the re4ining subjects and in some cases the two of them also felt the activation in them&ves. When questioned after the sessions, the subjects stated that a clear idDzease in the intensity of the pressure feeling appeared when they were in the gr,@p by comparison with the isolated individual activation. They also assured us that "somehow" they knew when the activation of another member of the group occurred. Furthermore, they declared that the activation in one of them clearly stimulated the activation in the rest of the group, and that they could feel this group interaction. 244 J. GRINBFRG-Z)'1,131;RBAUM Left frontal lobe A.High coh,@ron,,! activated mode Right frontal lobe Left frontal lobe B.Low coherence deactivated mode Right frontal lobe 50-V 0 sec Q FIGURE 4 Shows typical recordings of EEG measurement taken from a subject's right frontal derivation (upper trace) and left frontal derivation (lower trace) both during acti- C1 vation (A) and during deactivation (B). Q Q Q These results are in agreement with the existence of a direct level of commun- C*4 (D ication. U) In regard to the EEG recordings, Figure 4 shows a typical frontal EEG M Z@ (D pattern during activation and in the absence of activation. When the subjects were activated, we noticed an increase in their frontal inter-hemispheric level of EEG coherence. 0 ILL 13 4.5 Third experiment (method) (D > The results obtained during the second experiment, are in agreement with the 0 %_ observation about the existence of a direct communication level (10 in our CL scale) made during experiment 1. Furthermore, they (the method and results during experiment 2) established a standardized procedure for making EEG communication studies in human beings. Unfortunately for the methodological procedure, but thankfully for us humans, human communication transcends and is more complex than a simple pressure feeling between the eyebrows. In order to study the EEG correlates COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 245 of a truly complex human communication session without missing the flavour of the phenomenon but simultaneously assuring an adequate level of stan(*d- ization and control, we decided to combine the best feature of the firstad second experiments in a third experiment. Q Q In this, experiment 3, we decided to use the following method: Ckd i) A total of eight subjects from 22 to 33 years of age, four womenal four men were trained to evoke internal images at will, and to detect twy subtle subjective changes in themselves. More than a year of intense indivigal and group meditation sessions elapsed until they were ready to participalg@n experiment 3. 4N The meditation techniques used during the training period were Zed, TifQN- cendental and Sufi group meditation. These techniques stimulate a S-6te of pate and receptivity, considered ideal for the study of communication. The detalid procedures will be published in a separate paper. M ii) When (i) was completed, t@e subjects were trained to maintain t&ir meditative state in a Faraday shielded room with EEG electrodes attachewo their heads. iii) Groups of 2 to 4 subjects sat quietly inside this room in complete da- ness while a bipolar EEG was recorded on a Beckman machine located in anoth@r room. The subjects sat comfortably in special seats without touching e;bh other and with a minimal distance of at least 30 centimeters between them, M Q IV) The subjects were instructed to close their eyes and to enter the medit4xe state, trying to establish communication with their fellows. Every two minum, 0, the session was interrupted and the subjects wrote or taped their subjecole experience during that time. This 2 minutes interval was called a 'trial'. The subjects were able to report their experiences at the end of each trial beca* during their training period they had learned to verbalize internal states withsst hesitation or inhibitions. Adequate feedback at the end of each trial was gi E in order to inform the subjects about the occurrence of similar or identiLal contents in their communications. 0 ILL v) Derivations F7, F3, F4, F8, T3, T5, T4 and T6 were used. Thus, at Llip end of experiment 3 we had at least one record of each derivation 4h each subject. 0 vi) Communication was measured using a scale with four values; 0, 1, 2 aLM-1 3. Zero meant absence of similarity between reports and three complete ident J@ between reports. We considered that 3 was a direct communication value. The reports were analyzed blindly by two independent judges in order to test for the scale and criteria compatibility. The correlation between the aforesaid independent judges was positive and had a value of 0.89 being statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In Table I the scoring of both judges is shown. 246 J. GRINBI:RG-ZYL.Bl-RBAUM TABLE, I This table shows the scores assigned to C@ the subjects reports by judge A (second column) and 0 judge B (third column) during 22 trials (first column) in four different sessions. CV) A nort- parametric correlation test gave a value of 0.89 with a p = 0.05. Thus a very high compat- ibility in the measurements of the written reports was achieved. Verbal report scoring compatibility Session Trial Judge A Judge B Difference 0 a I- July 5 1979 1 0 0 0 CD 2 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 5 3 3 0 C14 01) 6 2 2 0 1@_ 0 July 9 1979 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 (6 3 0 0 0 01) 4 0 0 0 a- 5 2 1 1 a July 12 1979 1 2 2 0 2 3 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 A 1@_ 6 0 0 0 July 16 1979 1 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 C14 5b 3 3 0 a) a Trial depicted in Figure 6. b Trial depicted in Figure 5. (D 7F) vii) The EEG analysis consisted of a coherence study in which pairs of derivations were compared. Each trial of each session was divided into five 0 LL sections. Each section lasted 24 seconds. One second from these 24 was chosen V to make the coherence analysis. To choose this second of activity (point) the > only criterion was to find a recording free of artefacts. Thus, if a session had 6 0- trials, 30 points of analysis were used. We considered this density of analysis to Cl- be sufficiently accurate. Each point in one derivation was compared with each point in all derivations using the following criteria: a) Three parameters were compared; morphology, frequency and pliase. b) To measure morphology, the EEG pattern in each point was studied COMMUNICATION,GRAVITATION AND UNITY visually and the amount of correspondence or agreement betweerul)atteri decided. A scale from 0 to 50 was constructed in order to quaCt4lfy th measurement. 50 meant complete identity between patterns and 0 nognilarit between EEG patterns. 0 c) Frequency was measured by counting the number of cycleGn eac point. If both derivations had exactly the same number of cycles, woossigne the number 30 to that point. If a difference of 5 cycles was found, a n6@ber I was assigned and if the difference was 10 or more cycles in each f-@@@nt, th number 0 was given. W C%A d) To study phase, we used a scale from 0 to 20. If a similar,.moMholog, was found in a point in two derivations, the beginning of ea6 pal8rn wa compared with the beginning of the other pattern. If both pacterns beg* in th, same instant, a value of 20 was assigned. If the beginning of one pattern&incid@ with the end of the other, 0 wps assigned. IL .1 e) Finally, the coherenco@,, value was obtained by adding the es o' 2u morphology (50%), frequency (30%) and phase (20%). Thus, a score,@f 50 it morphology, 30 in frequency and 20 in phase was a 100% coherence.i5 point with that coherence value was completely identical with another point. A zerc coherence value wah obtained when both EEG patterns were completely (JiUerent- The coherence values were compared with the communication valuesS order M to study their relationship. Each pair of inter-hemispheric coherenqZ were compared and a correlation test was applied to them. These correl .atioct-values were also compared with the communication values. C14 4.6 Third experiment (results) cc The final results of this experiment can be summarized as follows: uman t communication is directly related to the correlation of inter-herql@pheric coherences recorded from the brains of the subjects in communication. IR-other words, two or more subjects communicate with each other when tq?-inter- hemispheric coherence of their brains increase and decrease together-OThus, human communication occurs when the participants in it share thei inter- hemispheric brain echerences. 0 In all the studied cases, when a high correlation between individuatinter- hemispheric coherences was obtained, the verbal reports of the r!51ting communication rated high in our communication scale. Also, when"h low correlation between individual into r-h emi spheric coherences was obtained, the verbal reports of the resulting communication rated low in our communication scale. The following figures depict two typical and extreme cases of high and low correlation between temporal derivations. WD C@ Cq CD CO CD T_ CD (D 04 (D U) M (D 7@ 0 LL > 248 COHERENCE 70 60 Subj 50 40 30 ;ubj, 10 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBI'RBAUM FIGURE 5 Shows the values of the temporal inter-hemispheric coherences of 2 subjects during the communication session of July 16th 1979. A correlation value of 0.96 significant at a p = 0.05 was found. In Figure 5, trial 5 from the July 16th 1979 session is shown. As can be seen from Table 1, this trial was considered as deserving a value of 3 in the scale of communication by the two judges (a direct communication value), The following is an extract from the reports of the two subjects that were studied during this trial: Subject A: first I saw an image of a sport trophy; a man with his hands up. Later I thought about images. Finally I entered meditation ... Subject B: ... I let myself go. Then I saw a sport trophy made of gold. A lot of images. Then I saw subject A as he is seated. Finally I saw the gold trophy again ... COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 24@ COHERENCE 100 W) C@ Q 80 e3l 60 Subject C Subject 9 40 -Subject A CY) 20 2 1 4 ANALYSIS POINTS FIGURE 6 Shows the values of the temporal inter-hemispheric coherences of 3 @Wbjects during the communication session held on the 5th of July 1979. The highest coy4ation value during this session was 0.09. a C1 The statistical non-parametric correlation between the temporal cohereQes at (D A and B was 0.96, significant at p = 0.05. C*4 In Figure 6, trial I from the July 5th 1979 session is shown. (D As can be seen from Table 1, this trial was rated 0 in the scale of communi*tion by the two judges. (D The following is also an extract from the reports during this trial: Subject A: ... First I was in a state of expectation. Later on I tried to concentrLpe and to relax. I wanted to feel both B and C (subjects B and Q ... 0 LL Subject B: ... I send the image of some planets. Later I opened myself in order tola ei e Q)c v some messages ... > 0 Subject C.- Disperse thoughts ... The statistical non-parametric correlation of highest value during th Isrial was 0.09. Similar results were obtained for the frontal derivations. Thus, at least under our conditions, the correlation between communication and inter-hernispheric coherence is more global than local and possibly involves the whole cortex. ANALYSIS POINTS 250 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 251 Further studies are needed in order to clarify this statement and to extend our results and verify them under conditions similar to and different from ours. SOUND PROOF ROOM LO C4 Q Q Q Cl) T- Q Q Q Q 9 (0 a) IL LO C@ Q 40 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION Q In a related study, I demonstrated that a change in brain coherence was correlated Q with alterations in gravity. During this experiment, all sessions were conducted I- in a soundproof, electromagnetically shielded room that contained an inner Q room resting on rubber cushions to filter and dissipate mechanical vibrations. The chamber was located on the third floor of a highly stable building situated CSI on top of a mountain some 10 kin from Mexico City, where the Psycho (P 1@- physiological Laboratories of Anahuac University are housed. Q Experiments were conducted during the early evening to avoid noise, Q mechanical vibrations, and other types of interference. Three boxes fitting (L 0) within one another were placed in the inner room: (from outside to inside) CL (i) metal cage; (h) a Faraday cage; (iii) a wooden box with double walls separated by fibreglass. The metal box was resting on foam rubber and the wooden one was suspended inside the other two so there was no wall contact. Inside the third box a piece of metal weighing 0. 1 g was suspended from a Grass transducer which was fixed to a metal bar placed on antivibrational sand (Figure 7). The output of the transducer was recorded on a Grass polygraph located in another room, Nine different subjects ranging in age from 20 to 32 years old (six women and Irl three men) sat on a chair located 100 cm away from the metal box inside the inner room. Bipolar electrodes were used to register frontal EEG activity from C*4 both hemispheres, which was also recorded on the Grass polygraph. A sound (D signal was given as a feedback signal to the subject each time that there was a U) change in the status of the transducer. 7ai Great care was taken to send a feedback signal only when there was a high degree of security that the changes in the transducer were not caused by mechanical vibrations in the building. Several control periods were recorded in 0 LL which there were no persons inside the soundproof chamber, in order to monitor V the normal fluctuations in the activity of the transducer and to establish baseline activity. 0 A total of 28 sessions were carried out with the nine subjects over a period of L- CL several months and the recordings were analyzed at the end of this time. Each session was empirically divided into two periods: control, when no changes in the output of the transducer were detected, and experimental, when a noticeable change in the transducer was recorded. From 4 to 7 randomly chosen sequences during both periods were analyzed for each session. Five measurements were made on the selected portions of the recordings: I Figure 7 Diagram of the room in which the experiment was held. Q FT, frequency of the transducer's signal; VT, voltage of the transducer's siQl; FR, frequency of the right frontal EEG recording; FL, frequency of the #ft frontal EEG recording; and C, coherence between the right and left EEG,fro=q1 recordings. Coherence was graded on a scale of 10 to 0: 10 represented ident&I morphology, frequency and voltage of both frontal EEG recordings, an(W U) signified total dissimilarity. M Whenever a significant change in the transducer's output was recordepa sound signal was given to the subject who was instructed to use whatever me s e ils possible to maintain the sound, with the exception of vocalizations, movern at or mechanical vibrations. Each subject participated in a series of sessions w0h the aim of exploring different techniques for this purpose, but no one *s '@f finally able to control voluntarily the weight of the metal object. At the end each session, the subjects wrote down their experiences and tried to ident 8( the ones correlated with the sound feedback. 0. in general, a great deal of difficulty in 'maintaining the sound and evendg relat were reported. We identifying which experiences were ed to its onset subjects all agreed that what happened was very difficult to know. This is remarkable, considering the fact that at least two were meditators and one had f* more than three years of practice in yoga and meditation. Therefore, the irst finding is that whatever caused the weight to change is very elusive in terms of conscious experience. 1. Metal cage 7, Rubber foam 2. Faraday cage 8. External wall 3. Wo dsb 9. Internal wall 1. T,o oxer 10. Air chamber S.,d C ig t 11, Faraday cage 6. sand 12. Rubber column to c@ a Q Q M V- Q Q C*4 Q Q (6 (D (L I*-. Q M a V- Q a C*4 a) to 0 LL 0 L- CL CL 252 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM At least half the subjects reported that they felt something but that it was impossible to verbalize. The ineffability of the experience is exemplified in the following statements: I felt a sense of transparency and peace and the sound appeared when I was trying to do something but I can't say what. I had a lot of images and suddenly I found the common ground for them; more precisely, what was behind them in terms of explanations. Then, the sound appeared. This last report is extremely important because it makes clear that an actual change in weight is associated with the bringing into consciousnes@ of formerly unconscious relationships. More often, the subject said that the sound was presented when he felt peaceful and as if there were an internal order, or when he was able to transcend the experimental situation with the accompanying sensation of being inside a soundproof chamber. The lack of voluntary control over this experience is possibly due to the limited number of sessions held with each subject. Nevertheless, there was a clear increase in the number of sounds that at least one of the subjects was able to activate as he was exposed to the experimental situation (Figure 8). Thus, it appears that the ability to' effect gravitational changes can be increased by 0 learning, even if the subjects are not able to verbalize the actual techniques being used. The mean of all the measurements taken over the 28 sessions are shown in Table 11. The most outstanding result is the increase in coherence found when a change in weight was detected (24 out of 28 sessions: p = U0009 by sign test)- Some examples of recordings in which this increase was observed are shown in Figure 9. PIIIW@tl- 2 3 4 FIGURE 8 The number of presentations of sound feedback signifying a change in the status of the transducer. This increase with the number of sessions, demonstrating a capacity for learning in the subject. COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 253 TABLE 11 Mean values of EEG coherence, transducer frequency and voltage, and left and right frontal lobe EEG frequency, obtained in the gravitation experiment. Control Experimental W) Mean Mean C4 (:I) Q 5.821 FT t4.556 FT Q 0. 114 VT 0,470 VT M 16,468 FR 16.240 FR V- 15.531 FL 16.170 FL 0.262 C 0.335 C FT - Transducer frequency. Q VT - Transducer voltage. Q FR - Right frontal 10@7e frequency 0: C4 FL - Left frontal fobe frequency. C - EEG coherence. Q Q Thus, an increase in the coherence of the EEG activity recorded from th frontal lobes of human subjects is coUelated with changes in the output of transducer located loo cm from th head of the subjects and completel35 isolated from them. One way of understanding this phenomenon is to SUPPOSqX that something ernerged from the brain capable of passing through a metal box-@ *breglass, and reaching thE5 a Faraday isolation chamber, two walls of wood and fl transducer with the weight suspended from it. The possibility that the changes were caused by mechanical vibrations is small due to the construction of tht- Q chamber and the transducer, and our controls. Likewise, the alterations weI8 not caused by heat, movement of air, or any other physical forces. If the explanation given above is true, there are two possible mechan 'isr- by which the weight change might be affected: (i) an increase in brain coherenQo thP is able to create an electromagnetic field of such high power and frequency cea it is capable of penetrating the objects between the subject and the transdu or (ii) an increase in coherence causes the structure of space to change, creatirl gravitational waves. These waves might be produced by a modification in trs informational content of the syntergic field resulting from its interaction wJW a neuronal field. An increase in coherence is in some sense an increase in redundancy witl1b the brain. One subject stated that the sound signal was elicited by finding ft the vos 1(b common meaning behind different images. This is in agreement with @ TJ@ ry that a high neurosyntergic brain is capable Of lation of the syntergic theo I" approaching a state of unification. It is not known if the changes in cohererM are correlated with an increase or decrease in weight, since the transduce&i limited to oscillatory responses. We are now beginning a new experiment using laser technology that will allow us to answer the questions of whether the weight change is caused by an C*4 (D W 7j-D 0 LL > 0 - 1 CL CL 254 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM 4- 2 3 4 A 8 A A R A 2 3 4 A 50;". 1 sec FIGURE 9 Representative recordings from different subjects during control (A) and experimental (B) periods. I. Time (calibration, I see); 2. Transducer recording; 3. EEG recording from left frontal lobe; 4. EEG recording from right frontal lobe. electromagnetic field or by a field more directly related to gravitation, and in what direction is the change. Meanwhile, the present results suggest that a brain is capable of altering the energetic structure of the space-matter continuum in a way predicted by the syntergic theory, and that this ability can be augmented by procedures using biofeedback techniques. Now, in the communication study, similar inter-hemispheric c@herence EEG changes are correlated with the level of human communication. The probable meaning of these findings has already been discussed in the theoretical COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 255 introduction to this article. Briefly, a neuronal field, the product of all the neuronal interactions in the duration of the present interval is being built insile ilie brain and later on interacts with the fundamental structure of space. T' b field is capable of changing the gravitational structure of the space-matio continuum and also interacts with other neuronal fields during communicatig between human and possibly other beings. IT- An increase in coherence inside the brain increases the syntergic (see section2 value of the neuronal field and thus raises the possibility of its interaction A" high syntergic fields. CD In the experiments reported here, it is clear that communication involves Ee interchange between inter-hemispheric coherences in the brains of the subjp9 involved in it. Thus, these findings are in agreement with our the6feti& postulates. A full agreement requires a close and direct relationship b6tween tig level of coherence and the phenomenon of direct communication, In otl14 words, if direct communication occu@.s when two or more brain inter-hemisphelE coherences are interchanged during A iigh individual coherence levels and otl6 types of communication occur while two or more brain inter-hemispheW coherences are interchanged during medium or even low levels of individ4 coherences, then a high syntergic state is related to unification as our thez proclaims. Obviously, we have tried to make observations about the character of t8 messages that our subjects interchanged during high, medium and low levels coherence, but the number of cases in each category was too low to reacQ safe conclusion. Nevertheless the few cases that we have studied indicates t a low level of individual coherence is related to messages having more conereo contents and a high level of individual coherence to more abstract levels. C*4 We need other laboratories to become involved in this fascinating. field S the physiological correlates of gravitation, unity and human communication order to reach solid conclusions about these questions. Meanwhile, our resuTS agree with the idea that all of us are One. 0 LL References (D Borges, J.L. ElAleph, EMECE, Buenos Aires, 1970. > Capra, F. The Tao of Physics, Fontana, U.S.A., 1976. 0 Caulfield, H.J., Lu Sun, The Application of Holography, Wiley Interscience, U.S.A., 1970. 1-m CL Cooke, J. The New Tarot, Western Star Press, Kentfield, California, 1970. CL Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J. Nuevos Principios de Psicologia Fisiol6giea, Trillas, M6xico, 1971,k Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J. The retrieval of learned information. A Neurophysiological Con- vergence-Divergence Theory. J. Theoret. Biol., 56, 95-110, 1976b. GrJnberg-ZyIberbaum, J. Los Fundamentos de la Experiencia, Trillas, M6xico, 1978. Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J., Cueli, J., Szydlo, D. Communicaci6n terap6utica; una medida objectiva. 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VALENTINE 0 C14 Bedford College, University of London 04 11- 0 Parallels exist between the quantum mechanical behaviour of electrons in solids and thp, characteristics of consciousness. For example, similarly to the non-localisation of electronW in a crystal, consciousness at any instant spans all of its current contents andjust as electronif@ events within separate quantum systems are'indepcndent of each other, so the consciousnes of each individual is private to himself. I Various physiological and biophysical mechanisms have, in the past, been suggested owl discovered which might conceivably permit the formation of a unified quantum system ip< the sensory brain. i.P If conscious events are quantal events takin,g place in an extended system, the implicat of the time-energy uncertainty principle is that they are always in transition and that the' specious present is extended in time. This extension is necessary for the awareness of- movement or change and for the ordering of movements into a biography. The existence of different sensory qualities makes reasonable certain hypotheses aboufo the topological nature of the sensory neural circuitry which is the locus of the above quantaP- events. C*4 W U) 1. INTRODUCTION M W The areas of physics known as Optics and Acoustics serve as a reminder that the QW entire subject has as its raw material human observations. Pearson (1937) clair L- that physical laws merely provide brief conceptual formulae that summarise the 0 LL routine of human perception and, in agreement with him, Einstein (1922) MO stated that the subject matter of all natural science consists of such sense-0 perceptions as are common to different individuals and which, therefore, aria to :@` 0 some degree impersonal. Although it is true that more recently developed areas, such as electricity, seem often to deal with imperceptibles, it remains the case CL as Schr6dinger (1950) pointed out that all information, however many ingenious< devices have been used to facilitate the labour, goes back to the sense perceptions of some living observer. Thus, the physical world (or whatever it is whose effects upon the observer are described by Pearson's "conceptual formulae") is a distillation from sensation. Now, the available evidence suggests that the 257