"Iflib of the uniN eise,- 11-tonians il di their cit@, ni:,,mif,m,@ Oli,cr @A -RDP96-00792ROO0700150001 -4 %%vndoll Holm(,'s more mod(st ved-@' or Release 2001103107 CIA scs,mcrit th:it jt@ State House %%-,as met Afle ..the hub of the olar s.N,1cm " Oriz- inaif, a scraw i:v neck of land t,o1kinv, ILE' sea,ard, B-to'n flcOic,l out during, the 19th cc nt,,%@Li filled t 1@1 y T' of Ba,k Ba, it' he rnar,h@ acre. and the South End. Fo ridations for u t he cit-%'s schools, hospitals, and reat financial institution@ were laid then or strengthened. Annexing communities like East and South Boston, Charlestown and SiAmr Roxt,ur_ B,-@ston !eit independcnt- minded neighborssuch a@ Cambridge West A1W atid Lruokline to thcmclve,,. Todav an encircling ring of a hundred citie@ or/ and t," -ns dwarfs Boston p(,per, ,hose 660,000 peop:e are n1v part AtE of the more than'thi-vt million inh.b- UV itants in the metropolitan area- 1-4 -1 ft-m S tiZig, a cf, clih /4 t '42 71r L W.1th Al-, to" -11 --11 -@ WF.'. -.1 N-&., U 11M@` -,7 7 -WW E V i..th 13..t.rik 1 600" STATLUE M.E 1, Aft ".7 Y7, ''N, ,q,jj,Q,3pq7 I (111A, towers d"tuntown. 9,Q A pp, r P,) (,QO F, P r,,, RM 1P F1 A 9 g