ltl T11 6 29n lofflTP., ?iPn 5TM) N 14AA]"ORIAL AIM-* 1@ L w, Li IS 29 8-76 11r. W. Reed Crone E Managing 'Editor PROCE11DINGS OF TH .545 Bast 47th Streel; Now York, N.Y. 100117 U.SeA* 01 Dear Dr. Crone: I acknowlegG th( I regret to ha@re be( May 11 o7 6 %I()(' I 10, i't 7v, 0 P,?rvy Rizhsky jk,@reuI6, 4-111 LIAY E MAY LAQ,@r.-, A r). MEE - EDITORIAL MW YoRK ra r' receipt of your litter of tipril 9. unable to answer you promptlr. We appreciate your consent for the Russian editor's preface to be incluf 9d in tfle translated issue, a.9 well &,s your generally flexikapproach to our translation project. Next December, @he three-year term expires that is stipulated in the,aereement between the IEEJE recnd !,11ozhkn-1,ga regarding the Russian edition of PROCEE'DINGS. Para. 14 ..of the agreement provides for the pos8ibility of ita automatic renewal on a one-yeqr basis if not cancelled by either side. We feel that the reneival of 'the agreement for a lonrer period (.sa,y, for another three years) would'provide .9. more sound ground for our trmslation project. We would appreciate it if @ou could let us know at your earliest convenience your ,position on these inattero so that appropriate arran,@xementa could be made with the VAAP (the USSR Copyright Agency which .is at present reoponsible for copyright transactions) and ' the Soyuzpechat (the Soviet agency for the aistribution of periodicalu). In the Januv-,ry ilusue, Theorem 4.b, part b is referred 'to on p. 157 (left col&lmn, line 19) in the paper by Helton Approved For Release 206/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080044-6 Approved For Release U01/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787RO40200080044-6 whereas in fijct lhe-re io no theorom between 11heorem 4.5 and Theorem 4.7. On. p. 154 Of the GLAM 0 pr,-,per', the laot sentence in the para,(@,,raph immiediate ly-pl'ece,.ding Theorem 4.3 L;eemFj somewhat obscure (what doeo'Une get"'?). In the paper by Brockett) two, different -1-0heoreano appear under the riame heaa- inG "Theorem 11". Were we righl when we denoted the Fiecond one as Theorem 12? mhour .L _,h the mau)uocript is now with the printero it will still be poBsible to make minor corrections. Therefore we would be p ,riateful for @any suggestions you may wi8h to make on the above points. The aiibject of the paper by Puthoff and Targ in the. March insue is indeed extremely controvervial, with attitudes rang- ing from frenetiQ "non.,-3ensell to a mild "perhaps". We are inclined to side with the editors' opinion in Scanning the Issue that tllie,great care taken by -the authors in the devijn rind reportinr,,,'the expeximent maices thei.& paper worthy of Scientific conSideration wid objective criticism. Unfortunately, for their survey of the atate of the art in the USSJ@ (p. they relied only on paport; either trb-nolated or olri 1.71-in-f-1.11Y publiolied in Fnglish. As a result, their information is inevitably somewhat incomplete and/or'outd.ated. This may well compromize the entire. paper in 'the eyes of tne Russian- speaking reader to whom Russicxi publicutionu are available at first hand. It would appe&r, however? that this survey is intended for the, En lioh-speaking reader and io of minor importance for the prieir.L'tl oubject. In order to reduce the risk of severe criticiam, the easiest way out in translating the paper may be one of the following alternatives (in order of increasing preference): 1) to leave out the names of Soviet institutiono while retaininf, all tile references to relevant -oublication 01 2) to present fin abridged version of the relevant paragraphs keeping all the essential points and the referenceo made, or 3) to replace the relevant'paragrapho by one or two summarizing .9entences referring the reader to literature for the description of Soviet work in thlo area. Whatever Ue choice, we shall be preparod to dnuert u'footnote informing, the reader Ali LAt th US g8ggg: &4or 0.- RO pprovec?FtoerWelellase -RD @6d-6&971113o66W&aAa-9 Allproved For Release U01/03/26: CIA-RDP96-00787RGQP200080044j6 1 of t1lio ,p_,pe:r c@3.rrjeo f,,n inucrii@tion "Prida-y, 4/12/'13" which appeuro to con tradict the fact that April 12f 197) wao Thursday. Shall thl'.5 inscription be retained or @,ny notificatioD of the true date be ruLde in the Rusuian edition? It would aluo be highly'desirable. to have a footnote to the eff"eot that although the translation editors realiza the Controversial nature of tho subject they believe tnat the uutnors well knovm for their reuearch in electronics have presented a careful deucr4ption of true. facts which deaerve conuideration and can be uzed by both F,,0)P protagonists and adeveraarieo. D. G.1@aidinp Editor in Chiefl TILER -- the liusvian edition oT the 1:1R.UCE,-PD11@@GS OF T ,E# 1EIL -A" Approved For Release 2001/03/26 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200080044.6