CIA-RDP$6-007 .AWf6ved.FokR-*.sAWffi3fU. 07RQ00500130,0,70-8 CPYRGHT 1-no VOL. XXII, NO. 42 '11 IE C UP, R I `NT DIG EST OF TI IE SOV1175T PR ESS PACE, 21 this institute within the next five years. Thc course of study is expected to take several months. Science Problems and judgments: LF'T 'I'llERR BI3 MORE DISCOV- ERIE'S. (By V. 'I'saregorodisev, Vico-Chairinin of the U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers' Committee on Invention and Dls-,ovory; and Yu. Konyushaya, assistant director of t.ho commictec's discovery department. Pravda, Oct. 1.7, p. 2. 1, 500 words. Condensed text:) ... Since 1957 the U. S. S. R. Council Of Ministers' Committee oil Invention and Discovery has entered 91 scientific discoveries Ili the State Register. . . . Among the achievements that have been the groundwork for now scientific and technical thrusts is the work of Ye. K. Zavoysky, who verified the phenomenon of electronic 'I ,ramagnetic resonance. This discovery has furthered the P development of radiospoctroscopy and given rise to many fit- Velitiol1q. .. . In evaluating the activities of research and design orgaiii- zations, ministries and (Icpi-.L tin ents and the Academics of Sciences should be. guldcd by the number and significance of discoveries and Inventions used In this country and sold by license, nbroad and also by the economic bonefit to the national economy from their realization. 'Me problem is to ensure that more and more work is carried out at the same level as the discoveries and inventions. There ire many scientific collectives In Our country that ire successfully coping with the problem. Over the past two _years the staff of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences' Physical Chemistry Institute, for example, his filed four applications for the registry of discoveries and over 200 for inventions. 'Die conunittee has already registered two discoveries and issued more than 100 certificates of authorship. Patenting is being effected abroad with the goal of selling licenses for 15 ,,inventions madc Ili the Institute. ... I i Meanwhile, in a number or scientific organizations and higher educational Institutions the practice of judging the stiff '41-fellibers, scientific activity solely by the number of published works continues. Thc@-Sil)crian Institute trial M 0 s IftsiC t1sill, the Tolips here and the Prop Radio WavosWtTs ' ou ise `0 "I'll" t?e I L@@ bl!nn @-11611 -OfF."inll-i6c t @.W years now. Yet in this timL its scientists have. not filed onc application to register a dis- covory. They have received only two cenificates of authorship for iaventions. At the same time the institute's staff members annual ly publish about 150 works and recently have made more than 40 reports at international conferences in various Colin- tries. This creates favorable conditions for the " leakage "I from prior publication, of scientific and technical. achieve.- ments and for their use by capitalist firms without cost. - We spoke above about the discovery of Academician Ye. K. Zavoysky. On the basis of this discovery a number of Ili- struniclits and means of Automation were invented that were not protected in sufficient time by certificates of authorship in this country and by patents abroad. As a result, U. S. and Japanese firms have patented analogous instrLullents and are selling licenses for thern at a profit, even to scientific insti- tutions Ili the Soviet Union. For the same reason -failure to protect priority before the deadline -many semiconductor instniments made on the basis of discoveries of Soviet scien- tists continue to reward a number of capitalist firms with profits. In our opinion, the need has arrived for examining certain legislative acts regulating the reporting of the work perfornied by a researcher. First of ill tills concerns the abolition of compulsory publishing of articles before defense of post - graduate and doctoral dissertations on the natural and techni- cal sciences. We fool that all Indispensable condition for the defense of such dissertations should be their patentability, Le. , that they contain discoveries or Inventions. Needless to say, far from all achievements may be qualified as discoveries. Since the beginning of the state registration of inventions more than 9, 000 applicitious have come to our committee. Only one of 10 was accepted for review, only one of every 100 registered as a discovery. The chief cause of this great: "weeding out" lies in incorrect cou- ceptions of what the subject of a discovery application may be. Often figuring in such applications are various design and technological efforts, the results of mathematical calculations refining the orbits of planets, and a] I kinds of hypotheses and unproved assertions. The phenomenon of "unacknowledged discoveries" is also explained by the fac I thattliciratithors sometinics act at theirowit iisk. Their reports are not heard at learned councl Is, uoprelim- iiiaryclieckontlieliovL3.tyoftliesolutioiitoLlic,.I)robleiiiisnit(le, aud scientific discussions are not organized. A side from every- tbingelsc, this complicates andprolongs subsequent expcrtap- pralsal in scientific institutions, which accordingtoregulationsis liot to take more than three months. Sometimes organizations that have been entrusted with reviewing applications for proposed discoveries violate procedure. Thus, as recently as the summer of 1968 the committee sent to the U. S. S. R, Academy of Sciences' Coneral and Technical Chemistry Division nia- terials oil the application for a discovery by B. Deryagin, a corresponding member or the Academy, and Candidate of Technology N. Fedyakim "The Phenomenon of tbe Formation ofSupcr-Dcnsc Water During the Condensation of Its Vapors. However, for the past two years the division has just " not succeeded" in examining these materials. A aew export Ix- aiiiiiiation had to be conducted, tills time in the Ukrainian Republic Academy of Sciences' Chemistry and Chemical Technology Division and in other Organizations. The result was full recognition of the researchers' achievements. In May of this year It was entered in the U. S. S. R. State Register of Discoveries. Delays in scientific experts' appraisals or a nonobjective approach to the reviewing of applications could take from the author and the state their priority over an important dis- covery and retard further development of a promising problem. Therefore, the responsibility of scientific institutions for strict observance of deadlines and the objectivity and quality of the expert examination performed by them must be increased. Thus we believe that fullest disclosure of discoveries of sclenttsts is in Issue of no small importance. This is thc point: There hive been discoveries that until now have not been legally recorded, that have not been registered in the State Register, beGause applications were not filed. Some- times this happens because of the scientists' lack of informa- tion oil copyright rnatt6rs and, perhaps, because of their modesty or underestimation of the hilporLance of protecting domestic priority. Moreover, many scientists feel that publishing a work is sufficient for acknowledging a discovery. The Committee oil Invention and Discovery is now taking, steps to improve the protection of priority and state interests in the realm of discoveries. In particular, a new draft rose- lution hasbcen drawn up on discoveries, Inventions and rationalizers' suggestions. This resolution provides for finther improvements in experts' appraisals all(] the legal protection of discoveries. Undoubtedly, all this will help solve one of the major tasks of Soviet science -placing achieve- ments firmly at the service of the builders of communism. THE BIRTH OF A GIANT. (By a Tass correspondent. Izvestia, Oct. 2 1, p. 3. Complete text-) Stavropol -Installation of the metalwork for the world's largest reflecting tel ;cope has been completed. no telescope is being built at elie U. S. S. R. Academy of Sciences Zelcilcliukskaya Astrophysical Observa- tory. The 43-m. gJant, which Is to peer into the unfatholned depths of the universe, is being assembled far ahead of schedule. Under the leadership of the young engineers B. Kovalev and V. Lablnsky, a brigade of specialists frorn the Leningrad Association of Optical Mechanics Enterprises and the 12th C. P. S. U. Congress Metallurpical Plant have been carrying out this work with a jeweller's precision. The catire rot'allng section of the wlescope, weighing more than 600 tons, can be moved by one person. The astronomers themselves will not have to do this, of course. The telescope and the entire gigant! c dome for the astronomical tower will be rotated ---- 2-601"103/26'.'-CIA'RIOP96'00787ROO0500~30070-8 Approved Po' R616'ase ,'2 2_16 AVprovZd_Fo'r Releav6 200fle3y/.%G.'UIA-RDP96-0078,00005.0-0130070-8 ,w S014'r corot t@_811 all mountain obsurvaLo N L A solar coronzigraph Is being installed .1L Lhe S41yall MounLaln observa- in the BLIVYiElt Republic. The coronagraph lens iias a diameter of 53 centimeters. A photograph shows workers assembling the panels of a geodesic dome which will house the device. [41 (Summary: Photo caption; Moscow, Pravda, 16 October 1970, p 6) @d Coordinates of Radiotelescope Automatic Device Will Find Mirror -4/ 14 r 57 k Worke@s of the Kirovakan Scientific Research Institute "Avtomatika" have develope8 and manufactured a new instrument for establishing the cal@ culated coordinates of the mirrors of the Soviet Unionts high-power radio telescope "Rata-600." Thenew autom .atic device was tested recently. The precision with which it finds the coordinates of the reflecting mirrors of the radio- telescope is 10 times greater than existing tolerances. The Institute will send the first group of these automatic devices to the Zelenchuk Observa- tory. (4] K 2-016 9 2- (Complete translation:' "Navigator for Astronomers," by B. Mirtchyan;-Moscow, Izvestiya, 23 October 1970, p 4) Stratosphere Lab Photo&raphs Sun An automatic stratospheric observatory developed by Soviet scientists and specialists has successfully completed its third flight. It made obser- vations of the sun at an altitude of more than 20 kilometers. "The stratospheric traveller delivered about 100 photographs of the sun,11 reported Yu. I. Vitinskiy, scientific secretary Iof the Pulkovo Obser- vatory,, and these were not ordinary photographs but very clear ones with images of details which were 200 kilometers in diameter. Studying the sun from the earth it is possible to see spots with much larger dimensions, but small ones are still not studied as they are hidden by atmospheric vapors and other interference. The aircraft made it possible to avoid this. In addition, the observatory obtained for the first time 20 spectrograms which will aid in the study of the structure of moving the solar atmos- phere." (1] (Complete translation: "Photographed the Sun....," unsigned-, Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 24 October 1970, p 4) Xbstracts of Scientific Articles Study of a Weak Chromo:;pheric Flare The author traces the change in profiles of the Ha and H and K CaII lines in the same scan of an active region before, during and after a weak S-i 7@ Az@,, 76@ Approved For Release 2001/03/26: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500130070-8 SG1A Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500130070-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500130070-8