T .V Approved For Release 2001104/OMI ERDP96-00788R00i 500110007-8 DoD ST20.22--M 1-t-mdh- Pertaining to classified contracts or vrojej,ts, even though dissemination ... e,, such information is 1-1-11,rred unt)MA.itlej, ab.,, not be for Public P"vid-d by it'- Industrial Manuel fpstoil_P1, 3o and App-div 1,Y). b. Prolloseo ritblit: #hall t,, for ppro,., prior it, r,l the. I_j Dire Public Release is not authorized to the bir*rtor at* For Freedom of Information and Securlty Review, Office of the A.41iitAnl 81-1-1Y of Defense (Poblic All.1ra) a to, r4v1a. In a-urd-ricip .111. paragraph 5o of the Industrial Security Manuel. 01 on-I)or) Use, Aji@,(J.@, -0 14. S.C-ity Clsaitifl,"Ation sp.6fi@iiti.ns for ths a icil%wilml-'muct A'. icit,ritift'd bviow ("X" allPlit-ble ho,r(oa) an,d atipply Wtachatento &S requited), Any oar,hii- r , loasifi.sti.. fl.1de (a) f -" Jh:Tshiiill bv annotated or h a- 1W.,1. IGoo append-1 to el-rly and 11reci.ely Jdantify tach etem-1 of Inf.m.11.1, which requires a classification. wh@n 0 class ,ricat I. n guide is it,, I1111, th @J 1, o,ti,,n,,f thr- p-toini,,g 1. the sp@cLfic -,ut-vt-l effort way be e.l-clad and f-nishe,& the @.nt-ct.r. Wt,.n a total fik-le(s) is util""I I h L-ft"Humt portion of the ffWA -(%) which peftsi@& to the c-tiroctosl eff,ft shelf Ur ct.wly, IdentiMed in ftein 14b. Tne following information -iiv b. p-, W,d fw each it- of 0itsalli.4 -forn,ati..i id@wffl,,l - an *.tr-,t or guide: (1) Cataffvll, of ti.sWicAtion. (11) Date or event for deeJu*a1fication or review for decia-iftcat(on, aml (111) Th. date - event (" d-ofpadirg (it 6prific."o). The official norned In Itirn l2b, Is reepcneLbl. for furnishing the contract., @opl,s of all guidt, mi hung.. the-to (list at. n,,nd. . p-t of tH. specift,ation. Cls.Wi.d tnfWV%.ti0fA JWL&Y [It Mischa" or furnished Ul'd'r tirp*'01ir Covrr@ a. A cornpleted narrative in (1) EJ Attached, or (2) fXJ transmitted under N@J-ote ,over and ad, a part of this isp,vlfi-tkut, CJ b. The followitig classification pul4eja) is matio a part of this aprrifirutie)n And Is (1) C3 ottut htl, or (2) M transinlitird undvr sa,7arate cover. (List guide* under lean, 15 or 1. an .1imt,lintont hy title. reference tii-b- -d d.t,). c Sorvico-tvPir